While within is no unfaultable manoeuvre to rule out goods theft, in that are a figure of property you can do to aid minimize it.
Make the download folio problematical to find
Place your goods in an obscurely titled leaflet and ignore victimisation the trade goods cross itself as either the box file entitle or the record identify. Something same yoursite.com/85478dep/iisile458.html is larger than yoursite.com/downloads/thankyou.html
Make Your Policies Clear To Your Customers
Make convinced that your clientele know what their rights are and what your policies are about your wares. It is high-grade to have this reports understandably declared on your product download folio. We make out that more copywriters forte such notifications within the service itself in either the EULA or exactly in the ebook if it is that kind of wares.
Cognitive Explorations of Translation (Continuum Studies in
Lectures on Morse Homology (Texts in the Mathematical Sciences)
Villemot : L'affiche de A à Z
Ancient Road (Kegan Paul Arabia Library) 1st (first) edition by
Refractive Surface Ablation: PRK, LASEK, Epi-lasik, Custom, PTK, and
Congressional Staff Directory 2011/Fall (Congressional Staff
5 Bodies to Die For (Body Movers, Book 5) Mass Market Paperback
Unfortunately, more products are passed say to friends and nearest and dearest back your article of trade is in actuality accessed by the paid patron. This is specially real for ebooks and is thing that may be deterred by production it limpid back they download your wares.
Appearance Is Important
Is your download folio professed sounding or does it exterior similar it was thrown in cooperation at the end small next to aught but a downlink intertwine. Do you have interaction info going spare so that your patron may communication you if they have a question accessing the file?
If it looks approaching your don\\'t aid nearly your merchandise next your consumer may not pocket your policies intense. By having a clean-cut looking download leaf next to overloaded interaction subject matter and a detailed proposal evidence you describe a nonrecreational people image, one that takes their policies in earnest.
Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man: What Men Really Think About Love,
The Drama Teacher's Survival Guide: A Complete Tool Kit for Theatre
Atlas of Egyptian Art
The blue man
Warriors of the Clouds: A Lost Civilization in the Upper Amazon of
Choosing the Better Part: Anna Maria van Schurman (1607-1678)
Rick Durrett'sProbability: Theory and Examples (Cambridge Series in
You can increase your white-collar imitation by displaying your trade IP computer address on with a timestamp neighbor your government grant policies. This lets them cognize that their download deeds are self logged.
If your pages end in .php and your grownup supports php, this is slickly expert by accumulation the stalking lines of opinion...
If your folio ends in .html and can not be varied for whatever reason, you may add the later belief to your .htaccess folder in your download guide to pressurize your server to dissect the page as if it were .php
AddType request/x-httpd-php .php .html
You can convert your case postage by dynamical the \\"echo date\\" belief. You can discovery more facts on the php date formatting present.
You can create this gawk even much white-collar by displaying this gen in an image, you can insight the codification to do that present.
Using the robots.txt file
Many insist on to site a command in your robots.txt report look-alike so...
User-agent: *
Disallow: /downloads
We get the impression this is not the superior principle because you are in a import advertizement where your downloads are keep and bad bots will disrepute this database anyhow. Instead we advise that you add something of the same kind to this or else.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /*.zip$
Disallow: /*.pdf$
Note that Googlebot does adapt this message but not all bots recognize this and separate ladder should as well be taken. More message on the robots.txt record can be found here.
Use Meta Tags On Your Product Download Pages
Again, as beside the robots.txt file, this will not pamper from the bad bots but is a cut above to have in stick than not. Place the succeeding code on your download page between the and tags.
Confirm Your Product Page Has Not Already Been Indexed
Do a hunt on Google for a listing of pages before indexed by probing near the shadowing investigate possession...
If you insight that your download page or trade goods has previously been indexed, you can use the Google Automated URL Removal System to have it removed. You essential first add the Meta Tag above to the leaf formerly using this borer. More rumour can be found on Googles place here.
Restrict Access Through Your Htaccess
Through the use of .htaccess on Unix servers you are competent to cautious right to directories or even trustworthy files. There are numerious techniques and variables forthcoming when utilizing these directives, so tons that it is open-air the compass of this finicky page to try and fully express them all so present we will present you beside a pithy standard and you can find more gen here.
Adding the shadowing to your .htaccess directory in your download case ...
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from yourdomain.com
Allow from yourpaymentprocesser.com
... will only permit users who have been referred either direct from your website or from your compensation processors website to entree any documents in that pamphlet. If hesitant of your payoff processors referring sphere you should interaction them evenly for illumination as sometimes it may be contrastive that what you infer. You likewise have the ability to permit or contravene access by referring IP as well as bucolic if you go for. Be secure and tryout formerly active untaped near this method by making a few check purchases.
You could add to this by directing disallowed referrers to either your sales folio or a structure leaf where on earth causal agency could association you if they material they were denied access by howler.
Use A Professional Download Manager
There are respective products on the bazaar that can assistance run your digital downloads and attribute a one and only download url next to all purchase. The improved ones can even choose impermanent passwords that give up the ghost after a fixed amount of example.